Monday, October 24, 2005

Karl, Don’t Let the Door Hit You On The Way Out

As the nation prepares to bid adieu to Karl Rove now would be a perfect time to reflect upon the condition of the democracy and electoral process, he has so ruthlessly attacked for the past thirty-five years. The picture is most distressing. Our nation is the most polarized it has been since the 1860’s. Dark clouds hover on the horizon where once there were clear skies. Feelings of anxiety and hopelessness pervade our society’s psyche. Feelings continually fed by the machinations of Rove and a cadre of fear mongers.

From the outset of his political career Rove has functioned with a ruthless single mindedness defined by hardness of heart. His modus operandi, Lying and Cheating, has been as effective in its results as it has been debilitating to our collective soul. So intimidating has he been that friend and foe alike have often mistaken the intensity of his meanness of spirit along with his breadth of trivia knowledge for the depth of intellect. The closest political analogy we could make to him would be Joe McCarthy.

Karl began his political career in earnest in 1970 while like so many other GOP ‘chickenhawks’, he was dodging the draft. He was enrolled at the University of Utah but spent most his time doing jobs for the College Republicans national organization. He was primarily involved in the 1970 Illinois state elections. It was there that he began to develop and hone the ‘dirty tricks’ that have come to define his work and life. He shortly thereafter expanded his education by working on the scandal laden 1972 Nixon presidential campaign. To Rove disrupting and stealing elections became as American as cherry pie.

Most of his life Karl has preferred to play Rasputin to someone else’s Nicholas/Alexandria. How ironic if his fall leads to the demise of the reactionary right-wing much as Rasputin’s helped fuel the demise of the Romanovs. The one exception was in 1973 when he ran for national president of the College Republicans. In that race he found an equally unscrupulous soul mate, Lee Atwater, who helped him steal the election. It was a lesson well learned by the unholy alliance. Atwater went on to become chairman of the Republican National Committee. Rove went on to become the conscience or the lack thereof for the 43rd President of the United States.

Karl failed to graduate from college but he did graduate ‘King of the Mountain’ for sleazy slime ball politics. There he has ruled with impunity until now. His arrogance finally overcame him. He thought he was above ethics and the law; he certainly is not the first. So we DO come to bury Caesar not to praise him. Karl, a bruised and battered America has but one thing to say to you, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

The Bush Credo - No Sacrifice Is Too Great For Others To Make.

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