Monday, May 01, 2006

Mission Accomplished
“My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”
Today marks the third anniversary of victory in the Bush War, at least as proclaimed by George ‘Dubya’ Bush. Since then 2260 American troops have been killed and over 17,000 have been wounded. This means that over 94 percent of the deaths and 97 percent of the non-lethal casualties thus far have occurred after George played cowboy by making a carrier landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln, strutting across the flight deck, and declaring the war to be over. By definition those percentages can only rise. It would seem that George was as clueless about his war as he was about Vietnam when he just disappeared for a year while hiding out with the Texas Air National Guard. Despite all the lies and duplicitous machinations of Karl Rove and the radical right media little George has never been much of a warrior, neither as a faux soldier nor as the commander. We have always needed many good men when Dubya was involved. As I have said before his credo is, “No sacrifice is too great for others to make.”
If it were anyone other than Dubya it would almost be incomprehensible that the Commander-in-Chief would be so clueless, after all the planning of the war had been going on for over 10 years. I would say that George is a slow learner but that would be an insult to the slow learners of the world. It is time for the American people to hold Dubya accountable for his lack of intellectual ability. For 25 years Rove and Bush’s other handlers have succeeded in hiding this failure behind a façade of commonness. They have projected the image of George as just one of the guys, a ‘good ol boy’. It is time to recognize that the image of Bush as an empathetic everyman is as false as his warrior image. George, plain and simple is and always has been just like his father, a spoiled rich kid, an economic elitist. The family credo is “No sacrifice is too great for others to make.”
Dubya also said, “We're helping to rebuild Iraq.” This begs the question, just how? After three years tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed or injured. Their entire infrastructure has been destroyed; they are on the verge of civil war. The entire society is a breath away from total collapse and chaos reigns. Rather than extinguishing the flames of terrorism Bush has rekindled them into a raging conflagration. But when it comes to Bush World, “No sacrifice is
too great for others to make.”
The Bush Credo - No Sacrifice Is Too Great For Others To
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