Tuesday, May 23, 2006

An Open Letter To Senator Clinton
Do The Right Thing

Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of their country and party. Now is your time. I love you as a Senator despite all your warts. But I have to tell you even in my wildest imagination I cannot conjure up any set of circumstances that would persuade me to vote or work for you in a run for the Presidency, at least not in 2008. If you are nominated I will no doubt return to my old habit of voting for a third party candidate. Though I must admit Dubya is so bad that I did vote for Kerry in 2004.

Do not take that as a sign for a scintilla of support for the Democratic Party as it is now constituted, for it most definitely was not. With very few exceptions I find the Democratic leadership to be void of character, courage, and creative vision. I believe that opinion to be shared by most Americans. The current wave of anti-Bush and anti-Republican distrust and dissatisfaction is just that, anti-Bush and anti-Republican. Do not confuse it for a New York minute with an ounce of solid support for the Democratic Party. That distrust and dissatisfaction probably will, or least could, manifest itself in November. The nation now understands that Bush and his duplicitous cadre of radical right-wingers must be stopped.

If indeed that does happen, most pundits and Democratic spinmeisters will no doubt declare it to be the dawn of a new political day. Trust me on this, that will show how out of touch they are with the electorate. Unless the Democrats evolve and come to life, this November will be but a brief respite from the vast right-wing conspiracy you spoke of in 1998. The loyal(?) opposition, the Democratic Party is in terrible shape. I say again, anti-Bush does not equal pro-Democrat.

Here is something even your handlers can understand, numbers. Since World War II the Democratic nominee for President has received over 50% of the vote all of two (2) times in 15 elections. The first was in 1964 when LBJ was the recipient of the pent-up sadness for a slain President. This coupled with the perception of his opponent as being a mad bomber allowed him to get 61.8 % of the vote. The second and last was in 1976 when Jimmy Carter pulled 50.8%, only 50.8% in the next election after Richard Nixon, think about it. Not even Bill could hit the halfway point. After 1994 the Democrats could not even maintain majorities in Congress. You and your party are on extremely feeble life support.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. You have abandoned the Democratic tradition of representing Middle America, the common man, and the downtrodden. You (Democrats) have become the ugly sister of the Republicans and you have adopted their trait of whoring yourself to Corporate America and to power and privilege. That is why I won’t help you (Hillary) in 2008. I don’t trust you and given the choice of being stabbed in the back by foes or alleged friends. I choose foes. At least that lets me keep the illusion (delusion) of having friends.

Please take this as being personal for every thing I say is personal, therein lies the problem, with you it isn’t. As long as your ambition to be President goes uncontrolled you will continue to say what your handlers think a particular audience wants to hear. So you see there is no you, only an ever changing projection devoid of substance.

Having said that let me add something positive. I probably will support Democratic candidates for Congress in 2008. I would even support a Democratic Presidential candidate if it were someone like Dennis Kucinich, or perhaps a John Edwards,but not you, not in 2008. However if over time you truly exhibit qualities of leadership I would most welcome you as a candidate.

You may feel that for you it is 2008 or nothing. Age may be a contributing factor. If a Democrat other than you were elected in 2008 you would be 69 in 2016. So let me suggest an alternative. Run fast and hard for reelection this year, then help any and all Democrats in 2008. Fire all your handlers, yes including Bill. Stop being afraid and start leading. Then become THE Democratic spokeswoman. Push a true Democratic agenda as Senate Majority Leader in 2011. We all must make sacrifices and it will be Senator Reid’s in 2010. If he decides to run for reelection in 2010 he must step down as Democratic leader.

As much as you want to be President in 2009, you cannot win. In 2000 George Bush said we needed a ‘uniter’, he said it was him. He willfully lied. You want to be and may actually believe you are a ‘uniter’, but alas you are not. If you run for the nomination you will split your party and revitalize the radical right, but if you did not run you could have a big say in who is nominated. To be a ‘uniter’ you must actually unite. The choice is yours and it will take hard work and effort. But America cannot long survive much more Bush. Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of their country and party. History awaits your decision.


The Bush Credo - No Sacrifice Is Too Great For Others To

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