Friday, June 02, 2006
To Impeach or Not
The Art and Science of Politics and Mercy
I like Dave Lindorff, he is a very good journalist. He is quite intelligent and he almost always is on the correct side of an issue, after all he most often agrees with me. In a recent article on Counterpunch he plugged his new book, "The Case for Impeachment," which he co-authored with Barbara Olshansky. In the book they lay out convincing proof of George Bush’s sins, high crimes, and misdemeanors. And if ever there were a President deserving to be impeached it is Bush. His legal and moral conduct while President has been abysmal and traitorous. Let’s face it his whole life has been that way, but the statute of limitations has run out on most of those offenses committed before he was appointed President.
Lindorff points out that a majority of Americans want Impeachment if Bush okayed NSA spying. Of course that is only one of the many instances along Dubya’s trail of deceit and treachery. And I know that a recent poll said George was the worst President in 60 years, but we need to take a closer look at that poll. First what is this 60 year crap; they only missed it by 157 years. The first President was elected in 1789. Next the poll rated Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton the BEST Presidents over those 60 years.
What? Ronald Reagan committed impeachable offenses himself while in office. And it was he who started and led the attack by the country’s economic elite against Middle America. There most likely wouldn’t even be a Dubya if not for Reagan. As for Clinton, he was nothing more than a Corporate Republican dressed in Democratic clothing. He took Reagan’s war against the Middle Class even farther. He deregulated everything in sight and kissed Corporate butt at every opportunity. Let’s face it if one could forgive and forget Richard Nixon’s minor indiscretion of trying to subvert the Constitution, even he was a much better President than Reagan or Clinton. Certainly his economic policies were much more directed toward the average American.
I know that Bush is the worst President in American history and I understand that that is universally accepted throughout the world. I know the world will be a much better place once Dubya is out of office. But the 2006 elections should not be run on the impeachment issue. It definitely should be run as a referendum on Bush and the radical right. Their agenda needs to be recognized for its hateful and anti-democratic policies. It needs to be soundly renounced and defeated at the polls. It is imperative that Democrats regain control of at least one House of Congress.
This election is about stopping Bush now. If the Democrats regain control of one of the Houses they should then begin an extensive investigation into all of the illegalities committed by the Bush Administration. It should be thorough and complete. Bringing the whole truth to light is much more important than some hasty punishment of someone like Bush. Do not forget the horrible mess that Dubya has placed the nation in. Working our way out will be no easy task. It will require much hard work. Bring out the whole truth but do not do it at the expense of starting to correct all of Bush’s mistakes. If continuing the investigations goes past 2008 so be it. Correcting the downward trend of the past 26 years cannot be done in two.
The Democrats need to get focused and stay focused. History will condemn Bush for the liar and tyrant that he is. The best punishment the Democrats can impose on him is to make sure the unjust and autocratic world he has worked so hard for is buried for ever.
The Bush Credo - No Sacrifice Is Too Great For Others To
The Art and Science of Politics and Mercy
I like Dave Lindorff, he is a very good journalist. He is quite intelligent and he almost always is on the correct side of an issue, after all he most often agrees with me. In a recent article on Counterpunch he plugged his new book, "The Case for Impeachment," which he co-authored with Barbara Olshansky. In the book they lay out convincing proof of George Bush’s sins, high crimes, and misdemeanors. And if ever there were a President deserving to be impeached it is Bush. His legal and moral conduct while President has been abysmal and traitorous. Let’s face it his whole life has been that way, but the statute of limitations has run out on most of those offenses committed before he was appointed President.
Lindorff points out that a majority of Americans want Impeachment if Bush okayed NSA spying. Of course that is only one of the many instances along Dubya’s trail of deceit and treachery. And I know that a recent poll said George was the worst President in 60 years, but we need to take a closer look at that poll. First what is this 60 year crap; they only missed it by 157 years. The first President was elected in 1789. Next the poll rated Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton the BEST Presidents over those 60 years.
What? Ronald Reagan committed impeachable offenses himself while in office. And it was he who started and led the attack by the country’s economic elite against Middle America. There most likely wouldn’t even be a Dubya if not for Reagan. As for Clinton, he was nothing more than a Corporate Republican dressed in Democratic clothing. He took Reagan’s war against the Middle Class even farther. He deregulated everything in sight and kissed Corporate butt at every opportunity. Let’s face it if one could forgive and forget Richard Nixon’s minor indiscretion of trying to subvert the Constitution, even he was a much better President than Reagan or Clinton. Certainly his economic policies were much more directed toward the average American.
I know that Bush is the worst President in American history and I understand that that is universally accepted throughout the world. I know the world will be a much better place once Dubya is out of office. But the 2006 elections should not be run on the impeachment issue. It definitely should be run as a referendum on Bush and the radical right. Their agenda needs to be recognized for its hateful and anti-democratic policies. It needs to be soundly renounced and defeated at the polls. It is imperative that Democrats regain control of at least one House of Congress.
This election is about stopping Bush now. If the Democrats regain control of one of the Houses they should then begin an extensive investigation into all of the illegalities committed by the Bush Administration. It should be thorough and complete. Bringing the whole truth to light is much more important than some hasty punishment of someone like Bush. Do not forget the horrible mess that Dubya has placed the nation in. Working our way out will be no easy task. It will require much hard work. Bring out the whole truth but do not do it at the expense of starting to correct all of Bush’s mistakes. If continuing the investigations goes past 2008 so be it. Correcting the downward trend of the past 26 years cannot be done in two.
The Democrats need to get focused and stay focused. History will condemn Bush for the liar and tyrant that he is. The best punishment the Democrats can impose on him is to make sure the unjust and autocratic world he has worked so hard for is buried for ever.
The Bush Credo - No Sacrifice Is Too Great For Others To
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